My Amazing Followers

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Blood Lust (9/45)

He wrote:

I want to suck your blood.
What do you want to suck?
I savor the red copper my teeth excavate from your neck.
Your tortured pain feeds my decadent delight.
We revel in the spurts of smoke and jasmine.
Come to me, or I'll come to you.
I await haunted dreams of us.

I wanted to donate blood for the survivors of the Orlando attack, so I thought he could come with me.

We told them he was my “moral support.” After, I donated and before they put all the tape on my puncture, we told them I had to go to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, he kissed and gently sucked my boo boo.

I felt nervous, but on the fringes of the fear I was excited.

It didn't hurt, and he stopped when he started to moan. I noticed his hard on.

He looked down at his pants too and looked up and smiled.

“I think I need to stay here for a while.”

I smiled and left to get taped and eat my juice and granola bar.

I didn't see him again.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

My Personal Rainbow (8/45)

I loved how you were so excited to show me your new aberrometer. I had never thought of ophthalmology as creative. You proved me wrong. 

I had always had my eyes checked on a phoropter, so I knew that the constant, lengthy shifting of lenses might make for an interesting "read the chart until you cum story." But, I wasn't sure how you were going to be sexy in a few seconds.

Well, five seconds later, I was standing next to you looking at very interesting "wavefront" map of my pussy. The rainbow contours of my intimate geography were actually pretty. 

I was honored to be your first "pussy portrait" and smiled when you asked for my autograph.

I had never taken a picture of my vagina, because I thought it kind of ugly.

You made it beautiful.

I hope your collection goes well.

Thanks, Doc.

Kondescending Kunt Unsolicited Online Dating Advice #8 What's Shame Got To Do With It?

Some of my friends and some of you Charlottesville craigslist readers think this project is a waste of time, and I am only going to broaden my network to include anonymous bullies, the painfully socially awkward, and craigslist killers and rapists.

But, I think this project has helped me see that a lot of the men on craigslist are dealing with some sort of shame.  And, it is the shame that drives them into the anonymity and the awkwardness.

I feel this, because when I am shameless and focus on what I want, some of the men shift from the normal craigslist tropes and invite me to do some of the most fascinating play I've never done.

Some, however, think that my sexual liberation must mean creating more shame in them.  They want me to engage in traditionally BDSM humiliation tactics with them such as golden showers, anonymous oral sex, anal stretching, and adult baby play.  They send me constant requests for this, even though all of the experiences I've shared are about glorification and exploration not glory holes and degradation.

Interesting, I advised one of my responders who was pretending to be a Charlottesville, sapiosexual,  UVA professor to find a dom chick who would want to do some of the things he asked.  Next, I see the familiar cucumber anal stretching request in the casual encounters from the very young man in Waynesborro who used to repeatedly advertise how he wanted a woman who wouldn't hurt him.  I don't pretend to know which he really wants, but I did notice the change in his tactics.

And, I think his choice to lie and poorly pretend to be what someone wanted does not stem from being an asshole but from shame.  If you are continuously honest about what you want and who you are and you get no attention, eventually shame sets in.  And, when you see someone asking for someone, you want to be that someone... at least to get what you want.  

This type of shame made one gentleman treat me first as a fraud.  Then, when he realized his accusations, secrecy, and mendacity might block him from a fun experience, he adjusted and was honest with me.  We hung out and did an exhibitionist photo shoot. 

However, another chose to try to shame me for taking the exhibitionist's photos and writing a poem about him, because he supposedly did not fit the appropriate, attractive male body image.  Only shaved or hairless, thin or athletic men deserve to be photographed or lusted after. As a larger, size activist familiar with how cruel people may be with fatter people, I saw this as more of the shamer's problems than problems with my photography or choice in model.

And, I've dealt with these type of "normal" people more interested in shaming than having fun in my regular, offline life.  I am sure you have too.  Maybe, that is what brings you here... a hope for a place where shame does not reign supreme.

Truly the Charlottesville craigslist casual encounters community isn't very different from the offline one.

I mean, women find plenty of the bullies, the socially awkward, the killers, and the rapists without ever looking at a casual encounter ad.

So, here's to the shameless Charlottesville craigslist guy!  I know you are out there and willing to play!  Thank you for making this project interesting, and my personal life more enriching!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

My Piano Man (7/45)

He wrote:

"First, I am not a poet; I am a pianist. But, I really enjoyed the Wild Nights poem you wrote about. It reminded me of the Eddie and the Cruisers song "Wild Summer Nights." The movie also had another beautiful song called "Tender Years" with a sweet piano solo extro. Here, are the lyrics and here is my photo... Hope I have your interest.

When the moon hung soft and low
Catching stardust in the light
You held me closer and closer
There was magic in the night.

A sweet love song, a melody
That I still can recall
Two young hearts filled with dreams
To walk away with it all.

Whoa, whoa tender years
Won't you wash away my tears
How I wish you were near
Please don't go, tender years.

A summer love, a beach romance
Sought her kisses in the sand
Two young hearts filled with fire
Lost in never-neverland."

His response was surprisingly sweet. And, I remembered loving that movie. So, I met him on the front steps of the Music Resource Center church. And, I swear the sun came out just when our eyes met. We walked to his place on 5th street.

We undressed to our underwear, and I sat in his lap facing him on his piano bench. Although I couldn't do a Middle English accent, I leaned forward and whispered the good parts of Chaucer's "Miller's Tale" into his left ear while he played an interesting, piano rendition of Procol Harum's "A Whiter Shade of Pale," my favorite song from a movie soundtrack.

I don't know why I cried. I guess I was moved.

Then, he kissed my tears.

And, our time was up.

Thank you, F. It was a moment.

Our Cock Fight (6/45)

I know I usually only reward folks who comply.  And, I asked for nothing rhyming, however he wrote the dirtiest, funniest limerick about my pink hair I have ever read!

Also, he suggested the most unusual sexual act I've ever encountered.

He wanted to cock fight me.

He had to play early this morning, because he worked two jobs and had to be at the first one at around 8.

I woke up this morning smiling, because he seemed like such a character.

So, after a quick meet up at Bodo's Bagels on Preston, we went to his apartment over in Eagles' Landing. He had one of those nice, little two bedroom ones and had not been assigned a new roommate yet.

I helped him duct tape aluminum foil on his living room's patio glass windows.

He helped me into a strap on with about a nine inch brown penis attached.

He then gave me a red, glow in the dark condom, and hardened himself and put on a green one.

He then turned off all lights.

And, he said, “The force is mighty with you.”

Then, he started making light saber noises and started hitting my strap on with his cock.

I started laughing uncontrollably, and he did too.

Eventually, I started hitting him back and making my own light saber noises.

We played for about fifteen minutes, then he came.

I found the whole thing silly, hilarious, quirky, and good exercise.

Thank you, R for being you.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Thank You, Professor (5/45)

He writes...

"I loved your Hamilton's piece.  I've attached a photo and my master's thesis about Emily Dickinson's use of the dash.  If you find it smart enough, go to Alderman Old Stacks Level 1 at 3:30 and find the carrel with Emily Dickinson's Wild Nights: Selected Poems.  Sit staring straight ahead with your feet on the floor and your palms on the desk.  Don't touch the collection till I cum to you.  And, don't wear any panties."

It's 3:40, and as I stare straight ahead, I occasionally let my eyes look at the book cover.  I really love how the blue sky and fuchsia clouds create a pleasant contrast.  And, I really like the black and white image of Emily Dickinson.  Until now, I did not really know what she looked like...

At 3:45, a man moves behind my wooden, hard chair and tells me not to turn around.  He hands me a bag over my right shoulder and tells me to open it.  In the bag, was another clear, sealed bag with a small, purple pleasure orb.  He tells me to unseal the bag and give him the orb.  He then tells me to stand and lean over the desk.  He tells me to turn to Wild Nights and recite it till I cum.

As I find the poem's page, he turns on the orb.  As I begin to read the poem aloud, he reaches between my thighs and puts the orb on my clit.  The battery is very new, so the high intensity of its vibration make me stutter. He tells me to read slowly and clearly.

Wild nights - Wild nights! 
Were I with thee 
Wild nights should be 
Our luxury! 

Futile - the winds - 
To a Heart in port - 
Done with the Compass - 
Done with the Chart! 

Rowing in Eden - 
Ah - the Sea! 
Might I but moor - tonight - 
In thee! 

I recite the poem four times and crumple in the chair at the fourth Rowing.  He leaves.  As I turn to watch his retreating figure, I see him put the orb in the pocket of his slacks.

Thank you, Professor.

A Sunday Brunch (4/45)

I was uncomfortable and torn.

On one hand, I had to bite back a bit of my poverty snobbishness, when I first saw you wanted to have an encounter at a brunch.

On the other hand as I told you, every time I passed that Downtown Mall restaurant, I was always tempted to steal one of their perfect, cobalt colored, water glasses and longed to feel the linen textures of their very white table cloths.

But, a project is a project, so I agreed and went.

When I saw how handsome you were in your official UVA blue suit jacket, khakis, and orange and blue bow tie, I was curious what I had got myself into.

Also, I felt under dressed, because I had worn the flip flops per your request instead of something strappy and more formal.

I sat down and discovered you had already ordered for me.  This felt chivalrous and rude at the same time, since you knew nothing about any of my possible food sensitivities or allergies.

Then, I heard a bell.  I thought it meant you had to leave.  Instead, you told me to take off my shoe and put my foot in between your thighs.  I knew the table cloth that turned out to be very soft was long enough to hide any misbehavior, and I felt subversive doing something like this in such a posh place.

So, I complied.

You answered your page, unzipped and took out your cock, pressed my sole to it, and used unknown words like borborygums, hypoxemia, and purura into your cell phone.

I felt your warm drops of pre-cum when you said, "Ecchymosis."

I felt your climax's sticky globs spurt as you rubbed them into my foot when you said, "Analgesia."

You asked the server if I may have the water glass.  He said yes though I think he charged you for it.

You rose, presented me the victory cup as you put it, kissed me on the cheek, and began your walk back to the hospital.

It was amazing, interesting, weird, educational, and erotic.

And, the fifteen dollar crab cake was good too.

Thank you, A.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Kondescending Kunt Unsolicited Online Dating Advice #7 The Dick Pic

Ads with dick pix...

We all look at them.

But, who really answers ads with minimal written content and poorly shot, unphotogenic penises with no photographic worth?

Survey says, "Sex workers who answer all ads, dick pic collectors, people who like to humiliate folks who post dick pics, and men who like dick pics!"

News flash....

There is no amount of sex positivity that would compel a real, local woman to contact you for offline encounters based on your continuous posting of headless body pictures featuring bad photos of penises.

And, you really shouldn't post a real picture of your dick for people who might not be strangers. Women (or men) who know you intimately can recognize them and catch you in something you cannot get out of. And, since your private part pictures are probably not readily available for the public to view and send as their own, you can't easily say you had nothing to do with sending it to someone.

But, I know regardless of my advice, you will continue to post them proudly and send them to people unsolicited.

So, down with crappy dick pix; up with artistic ones.

The only differences between porn and art house figure shots are the photographer's talent, flattering or interesting lighting, and good or unusual form and context.

So, if you can't be good at least be good at it.

A Conversation (3/45)

So, a friend of a friend found out about this project and wished to ask me a few questions about his online dating on

I told him I primarily used Charlottesville craigslist casual encounters, because I found that "dating" or "hookup" spaces that provided online chat capabilities turned into online social networks or online hang out spaces more than it produced offline experiences.  This is fine for people who are into chatting up strangers with compelling profiles but not the best for folks who want to hang out with someone within a week or less of connecting with them.

He agreed with this, because he had been primarily using it to chat with women of like minds for several months and had only been out on one date with one woman with whom he had been chatting for a long time.

He also asked if it was wrong of him to be on a dating site, when he was not interested in dating anyone.

I asked him if he only checked the seeking friends option, he told me he checked all of the possible relationships.

He also did not feel compelled to check out what the woman said she was seeking before approaching her for chat.

He felt that he was not wasting the woman's time who was looking for more than he was interested in, because he was such a good conversationalist.

Also, he wasn't sure that maybe next month he would want to date someone.  I pointed out that he could just click on more choices next month instead of misleading women this month.  He didn't really respond to this.

Overall, deceit and/or leading people on about what you want to get more respondents does not seem the best way to start a relationship even friendship.

But, the truth of the matter was the guy was handsome, single, athletic, young, smart, quirky, white, and seemed willing to talk to anyone, because ultimately he didn't want anything.  So, this access to someone with all of these popular things would probably really be a waste of time and energy for someone looking for more but the engagement would appear worth it to her.

I mean how often do you get to talk to the "beautiful" people online?

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Taboo Play at the Park: A Photo Series (2/45)

I flutter from man to man. Seeing them all as temporary, random events.
Sometimes, I fall on short dressed knees, on park benches at their feet, or on sparse grassed ground.
So, unlike a tree.  They promise to be there...
Till they are not.
But, they change their names to log cabins, picket fences, paper.
These things bare down the hands of man.
What a long path to find the hands of man.
Among the trees, I find him.
I gently caress his back tickled by his bristles.
I want to sit at his bare feet with my back against his tree and my mouth waiting.
But, today is just about looking.
His fruit of the loom weaves sweet skinned, forbidden.

I want to rub his belly for luck.
I want him to rub me.
I want to play his viola all the way to his...
A new sweet friend.
Shy and wonderful.

Thank you D for such a fun time at the park today.  I appreciate you letting me take your photos. :)

Last Evening (1/45)

(If you would like to participate in my ongoing documentation of my Charlottesville, Virginia craigslist casual encounters, let me know. Serious inquiries from Cvillians only.)

Last evening, we thought we were going to catch the end of the reggae show at the Sprint Pavilion.

Instead, you helped me, an ambassador, and a police officer help a fallen, elderly, drunk man rise from the Downtown Mall bricks into a chair.

After that drama, we decided to have a bite at The Nook. You told me, you liked how I looked out for people and that I deserved something very special. You fed me a cheese, crinkle fry and winked at me.

We went to my place.

And, you told me to change into a nightie. Intrigued, I did as you wished. I came back, and you were gone! Luckily, you had just gone to your car for my "something special". You told me to lie down on my bed. Again curious, I did as you wished.

You opened the bag and produced a Snapple Half & Half and my favorite peanut butter cookies from Campus Cookies.

I had to giggle. I am totally into men who are into the details.

You tucked me in.

Then, you pulled out a leather notebook and sat on the edge of my bed reading me your original erotica about your larger woman turn on. You even shared one that you had just written about me and you and "biting me to the pit gorging on summer."

Then, you closed your book and kissed me on the forehead and left.

I've been such a wreck since.

Thank you!

Kondescending Kunt Unsolicited Online Dating Advice #6 "Resist the Urge to Cut and Paste Your Cool"

So, you perfected a sound byte about you and what you have to offer the ladies.

What is wrong with cutting and pasting it and repeatedly sending it to most of the women's ads to which you respond?  Especially, if you add a line or two in the beginning to demonstrate you've read her specific ad?

Well, the over sent portion can come across canned just like an overused pick up line can in offline situations.

And, online we call repeatedly sending generalized, cut and paste, messages to different folks "spam."

And, a person, like myself, who tells you I read, post, and respond to a lot of Charlottesville craigslist casual encounters ads will probably have come across your spam messaging before.

So, this particular concoction that is supposed to make you look like you invested time and energy and uniqueness to respond to little ole me... doesn't it.

Also, since you probably didn't adjust the spam to deal with my ad in particular, it seems you are not into the details of pleasing this woman as you think you are.  Case and point, men think that their stock as a lover goes up if they are willing or really want to go down on a woman.  My ad specifically mentions I dislike cunnilingus.  So, any responses I get mentioning their amazing, non-applicable oral skills are particularly heinous.

So, cutting and pasting does not make you appear interesting or intriguing, instead, it makes you look...typical.

And, I am haunting Charlottesville craigslist casual encounters for the thoroughly atypical.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Kondescending Kunt Unsolicited Online Dating Advice #5 "You Aren't What She Says She Wants"

If she has to stoop to conquer you, leave her alone.

Women usually only respond to personal ads that they feel they fit.  If she is too tall, old, fat, or some other disqualifier, she will not respond.

Men, on the other hand, are more interested in getting what they want instead of being what she says she wants.

I met a wonderful man who once told me he was as interested in listening to me as he was in talking to me.  I try to get into his pants often.

Listening to and heeding what a woman says she wants is very rare and sexy.

However, Charlottesville craigslist casual encounter responses show very little of this aphrodisiac.

Instead, a women's requests are ignored, ridiculed, impossible, or undeserved.

A lot of men suck up posters' time and flood their inboxes with couplings of a compliment with the reason they will not do or be what she asked.   Busy women who really want to meet men offline are not particularly interested in compliments from non-compliant, disrespectful, online strangers.

A lot of this poor behavior is probably because it is uncomfortable for a lot of men to realize they are not wanted by all women they want.

The entitlement behind feeling all you want should want you is not hot.

Feeling that all women regardless of how you treat them should be accessible to you is a mark of your patriarchal privileges which are also not hot.

So, get over it and get under an interesting, sexy, challenging woman who you aspire to deserve.

It will be as good for your character as it is for your penis.

Kondescending Kunt Unsolicited Online Dating Advice #4 "Show Don't Tell"

“Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.”  Anton Chekhov

Reading long lists about another's hobbies, characteristics, or likes/dislikes is boring and usually inaccurate.

Showing or sharing with people what you are into is much more interesting.

If most of your response is a list of your physical attributes, then just shut up and send a picture!

If you are a writer, send them a piece of your writing.

If you are a visual artist, send them some of your portfolio.

If you are musical, send them a sound clip of your latest jam.

If you are a marathoner, show them a photo of you running for your life or charity or what have you.

You get the point.

And, all of these things can be shared while still being discreet, because all of this information is probably available on your social networks or professional or amateur online portfolios.

Creative disclosure makes for a sense of intimacy and knowing someone...not just what they admit to but more about what they are capable of and how they see the world.

This type of connection makes the difference between someone rolling their eyes at another list of someone who likes movies, hiking, and oral sex and someone who is seriously considering rolling you.

Kondescending Kunt Unsolicited Online Dating Advice #3 "Why 'Hi' Is Not Enough"

"Hi, hello, howdy, etc." work as an offline greeting, because it is accompanied by what you look like, what you are wearing, where you are, etc.  The nonverbal context allows the person enough knowledge to determine if they want to return the greeting.

However as an online message, "hi"is a really lacking, unoriginal one.

Craigslist requires more written content than just the word "hi" to accept the post, so you are always answering an ad with more than just an impersonal greeting.

Also, you are probably answering an ad that intrigued or interested you in some way.  Answering an interesting ad in an uninteresting way is a sure way to be ignored or annoy.

In addition, expressing your interest without letting someone know why you are interesting will most likely get you ignored too.  Women are looking for offline dates with interesting men not ego petting from online strangers.

Truthfully, you may not want to invest more than a "hi" or a quick comment about her ad.

If for some reason you don't want to work for this possible new relationship (formal or casual), then you should probably not answer ads hoping for one.

Furthermore, this low level of online male investment in things emotional and intimate mirrors the same low level of a great deal of men offline. Men who advise they work very hard for things that are important to them like their financial, education, recreational, political, and physical successes do not think working hard for personal relationship success is appropriate especially for men. Even men who are disgusted by people who they think want to get something for nothing try to develop relationships with little or no effort. And, women who require some sort of personalized, deep, honest attention are deemed high maintenance, bitchy, demanding, dismissive, full of herself, controlling, etc.

I suggest you overcome this popular, lazy, male inclination and show real investment in even the beginnings of your social interactions.

Kondescending Kunt Unsolicited Online Dating Advice #2 "How To Send Her A Picture Without Outing Yourself"

Women complain that they cannot accurately decide if someone is fuckable without an accurate face picture.

Men don't send them, because most are in situations that require some discretion.

Possible solutions...

Use a face picture of yourself that is available for public consumption on your professional sites or personal social media. If you choose to use your professional one, figure out how to incorporate professional lingo, know how, that proves you didn't just cat fish someone else's professional site. If the exchange is really something to embarrass you or blackmail you or whatever, as long as you send it through an anonymous email system, then you can just say you are a victim of a cat fisher and had nothing to do with the interaction.

And, don't send a real picture of your dick to people who might not be women strangers. Women who know you intimately can recognize them and catch you in something you cannot get out of. And, since your private part pictures are probably not readily available for the public to view and send as their own, you can't easily say you had nothing to do with sending it to someone.

If you are very private, so only your friends and family can access your social media pictures, send a group photo with you in it. Because it is of more than one person, it is possible that someone else pictured shared the photo. Don't disclose which one you are until you've created enough interaction to believe she is not going to expose you. Or, ask her to rate who is fuckable in the picture. If she picks you, great. Also, if you choose to describe your physical appearance in the text, make sure at least one other person pictured matches that description.

If you are married, send a picture of you with only other married people pictured. So, again anyone pictured may have sent the picture.

This group photo idea works in cases when you are approaching someone local to your home or community. Just in case, you accidentally come across someone you already know.

So, if the reluctance is really discretion and not some attempt to temporarily hide some sort of physical attractiveness, it should solve the dilemma.

Kondescending Kunt Unsolicited Online Dating Advice #1 "Starting A Relationship Expecting The Other Person to Be 'Not Real' Or A 'Scam'"

Him: "Are you real?"

Me: "No!"

Another Him: "Are you real?"

Me: "Most likely as real as you appear to be right now."

Another: "Are you real?"

Me: "Yes, but uninterested in this line of questioning."

Yet Another: "Are you real?"

Me: "I am, but you are not."

YA: "Why did you say that?"

Me: "I thought I should meet your obvious dubiousness with some of my own."

A Bunch Of Other Hims: "Are you real?"

Unanswered and ignored.

Treating someone whom you do not know and has never hurt nor bothered you like they are a liar, a thief, a scam artist, a fraud... is rude.

Demanding up front proof that someone is "real" and "serious" without providing proof that you are both... is rude.

Implying that someone is not real or scamming you, when she has not asked any payment or identity information like mother's maiden name or credit card information or driver's license information... is rude.

Telling someone that the only people you encounter online are fakes and that is why you are mean instead of rude.

Risking alienating others by accusing strangers of wrong doing is again rude, comes off as paranoid, and is not an effective way to start any type of social encounter.

Also, punishing a new person or group for something another person from your past has done is a negative pattern that you will have to break, if you are ever going to have a successful relationship with anyone online or off.

In addition, a thinking person would have to wonder why someone so jaded continues to answer ads especially if they cannot find it in them to act with a modicum of trust or politeness?  I guess misery loves to create more miserable company.  And, hurting people sometimes seek out more people to hurt.  They aren't really interested in meeting someone offline. It's just another form of online bullying and wasting people's time. So, in a way these demanders of realness and seriousness are neither real nor serious themselves.

The few men I have met offline from craigslist definitely did not start our encounters doubting my integrity or truthfulness.  They accepted me at face value and returned their own unique, personal responses.

If you really doubt the sincerity, honesty, reality of an ad, do everyone a favor and simply don't answer it.

Her Fantasy (May 14, 2016)

9:45 AM Posted In Charlottesville, Virginia Casual Encounters Woman 4 Man

The steady, monotonous sounds of another Charlottesville rainstorm provide a new rhythm for his growing restlessness, uncertainty, and dread.

He watches the rain through the bay window of his large luxury condo close to downtown, alone. 

Across the street, the downpour travels the incline of the cupcake bakery roof and pools in the slight valleys of the unoccupied handicap spaces of the deserted parking lot. 

Behind him, his furniture, his books, his instruments, his things do not fill the space, and the emptiness echoes and subtly frames him a small man. When he vaguely senses his design induced inferiority, he grits his teeth and entertains.

Publicly, he takes great pleasure in the borrowed peace of Hatha yoga, the improvised cacophony of modern jazz, and the slow savor of heavy, crystal glasses brimming with freshly made mojitos.

Privately, he takes great pleasure in me. 

When all of his guests have begun their slow, soggy stumble homeward, he takes me out of my box and lovingly places me on the floor amidst the sticky and solid party debris. I become the calm eye center of the chaos. I am his rose of Sharon.

It fascinates him that he owns me but cannot contain me. It fascinates him that my explicit obedience subverts and obliterates him. It fascinates him that his worship of me diminishes the anxiety mounting within his narcissism.

When I allow him to sample my darkness, he is purified and light. When he enters me, he encounters safe haven and the precise cut of my blade. When everything he is melts within me, he is mine. 

He is free.

He savors my intoxicating poison. He weeps remembering his first notice of sunsets and his later jaded, dismissal of her mango, red grapes, and watermelon shades. 

Overcome and writhing in ecstatic suffering, he collapses onto the trash on the floor by my side. 

Spent, satisfied, saturated.

He rests.

Awake now, he returns me to my box wiping away his tears. He gently places my box in the black corner of his sin closet.

He plays the later works of Art Pepper on his ipod and drifts from his pelvic tilts to his eye of the needle poses again promising to never leave the simplicity of his mat again.
The rain yields.

I included pictures of a thin, blonde, blue eyed, 22 year old.

Here were the responses... I've changed all the names.
4 spam. (They were generated by real men who send the same cut and paste messages to most ads)
1 very graphic email from a known, local sex offender.

Well that was an interesting ad on Craigslist, of course it's bright and sunny in downtown C'ville right now, looks nice out !!! 

Bobby A

nope. try again. :)

Bobby A
Hello lol

nope. try again. one more chance.

Bobby A
I love you and want to spend time with you, I know I just struck out but my I tell you on the outside your a beautiful woman.

I just wanted to tell you that I came across your post on Craigslist and thought it was an awesome story. Very passionate and beautiful and I feel as if I've heard it before. Where is it from? Did you make it up? Just wanted to tell you it was nice. Lol :)

Thank you. Just wrote it today. So, it's from the ether of messages forming a halo around my head. Bummed it does not come off as more original though.  :)

You seem like a beautiful soul and very intelligent. With such a gorgeous face I was amazed to get to the end of your story and find that you're But your story was very original as a whole. I'm sorry I came off as though it wasn't your original piece.. It would blow the minds of many as it didmine. I only felt It was familiar because of the intense vibes i got from it..the energy or something I suppose. haha. I don't know..but it was nice and I plan to check every so often in high hopes of seeing more of your writings. :)

I didn't realize at first that you had posted your story in a women seeking men section of Craigslist...I guess that would have given away that you're single lol I was only browsing around when I found your story. But anyway. I'm wondering how many other writings you've got. Would you share more? I'm sorry, I'm not hitting on you by any means..though your beautiful. Im just very interested in the way you write. I myself am far from a writer but I highly enjoy reading certain peoples journalings/story's/songs ect. You've grabbed my attention.

hey baby let's fuck and let me eat your pussy

Mike Y
I'm a 20 year old and 5ft 4 inch guy. would u be willing to chill out at my place I'm kind of a shy person. I have Netflix, videogames and if u want to hike there's also some woods.
P.S. if u want me to send you a picture of what I look like just ask

Well I must say I dig your style. You know jazz, and that's sexy as hell. Art Pepper has always been criminally underated. I can tell you're well read, and that's sexy too. I'm curious to know why you posted what you did? To work on your craft? To see who gets it? Multiple reasons? I'd love to hear some more about, tell you about myself, and maybe see a picture. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and hope to hear from you

how are you

Mark I
This cl ad is sexy and turned me on! I'm in CVille

Jon M
I enjoyed your ad, the story was amazing :) I hope you are real because I can send you a poem in the second response ;)

Really pretty woman, would u like sometime grab a drink

t s
Just when I think I have the poem figured out,.. I get lost in the tangled and somewhat vague description of what it is your characterizing. I do think its nice put together tho. just wish I knew what it was. I have an idea but if I’m wrong,.. Sheeshhh!!!!! lol

james c
Very poetic


james c
Well if your nnodoingt anything this evening id like to go on a date (his phone number) if you want a picture just ask

Brian C
Hey what u up to would you like to chill

Tommy T
To start off, just want to say Yur post was so erotic that it got me super aroused:).Dont know if yu would consider having some fun together but I got to try after reading that post I'm older, 44,Wh, 6ft1,190,fit,not ugly,:), not rude, crude, a gentleman that loves having erotic fun when it seems worth the chase,interested? Yur very beautiful and I'd love to show yu how a mature gent could take you to a level yu may have only dreamed of, Thanks


Dave H
Hello there. I loved your posting on Craigslist. Would you be interested in some hot wild passionate fun and excitement and if you would be interested in more we can get to really know each other. hope you have a great day and hope you enjoy my pix!!!!
(he included no pix)

Yes love to. Yes I can

Jay H
I am intrigued by the poetic nature of a Charlottesville afternoon. Primal sexuality, forbidden fruit, and saxophones... 

I can't help but think of Sweethaus and Rupert Holmes... fantasy or reality?


Junior B
Pussy that tight huh?

Hi Dear

Can we be friends initially, and I will help you in everything you need that you like

May 14, 6:58 PM Flagged For Deletion

Overall, I realized that men when confronted by an erotic, pretty, open woman on Charlottesville craigslist could not or would not generate an equally erotic, vulnerable response. Maybe, that was one of the pieces of the disconnect. Maybe, I could help?

Interested in living an adult romantic comedy? (May 4, 2016)

(A lot of men complained they only got responses from scams, sex workers, and sex page web administrators.  So, I posted an ad that I would respond to looking for results.)

Greetings and Salutations!

Thank you for taking a look at my ad amongst looking for free curbside give aways and trying to find your lost poodle on craigslist. :)

Ideally, I seek a Bull Durham Annie, smart and sexually driven as hell.  If you are too young to remember that movie, you are probably a bit too young for me. :)

So, I am an average looking, single white guy in my mid-30s with a satisfying work and home life.

What brings me to craigslist?

I think meeting interested women in bars is not the best thing if I really concern myself with full consent.  I, mean, how can your yes mean yes if it's alcohol or peer pressure powered?

I hope that since you are a lady looking here, you might be a little more sexually daring then someone who attends the normal, meat/meet markets on the Downtown Mall.

I want a woman who is cerebral, funny, creative, and naughty.  Complex women intrigue instead of intimidate or confound me. :)

I am looking for a more casual situation, because I had to break my engagement a few months ago due to her mendacity following a sexual indiscretion.  I am ok with open relationships but cheating in a monogamous situation is not the same and lying about it afterwards just... hurt me.

You are not going to be the rebound girl, you are going to be the healing woman... sexual and sensual healing. :)  And, if you actually help me heal my soul along the way, I would be open to more. :)

I would never intentionally disrespect you or your boundaries.

Sexually, I guess I am vanilla but not boring. No swinging or props.  Just you and me.

My ideal encounter would be fucking you till exhaustion in the back of a limo going up Carter Mountain and then sharing the view and apple cider doughnuts in each others' arms under the stars.

In your response, tell me what specifically brings you to casual encounters and more importantly why you chose to answer my ad.

I wish you the best and hope you soon realize how much you walk in beauty like the night. All of you. You make the world go round and some of you are so much, you make time stop.

Chose to not post a picture.
Body Athletic
Height 6'2
Status single
Age 35

I received two messages that were clearly spam.  And, I received a third that I assumed from his vocabulary and interests was a man pretending to be a woman with mentions of his "nice rack" and interest in "fishing tournaments."

Welcome To My Project!

Dreams can be dangerous experiences.  They may guide you to paths that others find crazy, confusing, and condescending.  They may also guide you off cliffs and maybe in the process teach you to fly.

In my dream, I reduced rape culture and increased the safety of brown and black trans sex workers.  I made this magic by changing in small ways how people connected with each other in anonymous, sexual encounters like those advertised in Charlottesville, Virginia craigslist casual encounters personal ads.

I woke up wanting to understand and possibly adjust this niche culture.  I thought maybe I could help, because I loved writing and had a University of Virginia BA in English Lit. had an understanding of wanting to overcome social disconnect from my experience as a mental health peer support specialist, and had a comfortable way of suggesting changes or improvements from my life coach certification.

Also, I was open to participating in instead of judging a space that would become really sex positive instead of constantly dealing with deceit as discretion and shame instead of sexual liberation.

As you may realize if you read some of my passages... when I am not being naughty, I write about being naughty among other things. :)

To get the full range of experience, sometimes I posted as myself, more traditionally attractive women, and men.

When I started this project documenting my experiences using Charlottesville, VA craigslist casual encounters and sharing unsolicited online dating advice, I celebrated by committing to meeting up with at least one respondent to my ads a day until they expired in forty five days. However, my ads never last more than 24 hours. :)

What am I into?

Only interested in other Cvillians.

I am poly.

As for the rest...depends on the man who answers the call. 

I wasn't sure what I would find. I wasn't sure I could really change anything.

So far, I have one primary relationship with a fabulous workaholic, a benefit friend with a guy who is incredibly busy raising his kids, getting through his divorce, and work, a guy who sends me fractured Shakespearean sonnets daily, and photography sessions with a local exhibitionist. 

If you are okay with me writing about our experiences (while protecting your identity of course), you should leave me a comment or email

Just a few tips about me...

My preferred beverages are mango lasses, chai milkshakes, and arnold palmers. My preferred movement is dance and Downtown Mall strolls. My preferred position is doggy. My preferred birth control is condoms. My preferred time to play is on a weekday.

I dislike cunnilingus, hiking, yoga, coffee shops, and making arbitrary lists about likes/dislikes for online strangers. :)

And, the kurious name of Kondescending Kunt kame from one of the men I made angry during my research.  It seemed so lofty and erotic at the same time, I just had to keep it.

If you would like to know more, please be specific and ask.

Veronica Haunani