My Amazing Followers

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Welcome To My Project!

Dreams can be dangerous experiences.  They may guide you to paths that others find crazy, confusing, and condescending.  They may also guide you off cliffs and maybe in the process teach you to fly.

In my dream, I reduced rape culture and increased the safety of brown and black trans sex workers.  I made this magic by changing in small ways how people connected with each other in anonymous, sexual encounters like those advertised in Charlottesville, Virginia craigslist casual encounters personal ads.

I woke up wanting to understand and possibly adjust this niche culture.  I thought maybe I could help, because I loved writing and had a University of Virginia BA in English Lit. had an understanding of wanting to overcome social disconnect from my experience as a mental health peer support specialist, and had a comfortable way of suggesting changes or improvements from my life coach certification.

Also, I was open to participating in instead of judging a space that would become really sex positive instead of constantly dealing with deceit as discretion and shame instead of sexual liberation.

As you may realize if you read some of my passages... when I am not being naughty, I write about being naughty among other things. :)

To get the full range of experience, sometimes I posted as myself, more traditionally attractive women, and men.

When I started this project documenting my experiences using Charlottesville, VA craigslist casual encounters and sharing unsolicited online dating advice, I celebrated by committing to meeting up with at least one respondent to my ads a day until they expired in forty five days. However, my ads never last more than 24 hours. :)

What am I into?

Only interested in other Cvillians.

I am poly.

As for the rest...depends on the man who answers the call. 

I wasn't sure what I would find. I wasn't sure I could really change anything.

So far, I have one primary relationship with a fabulous workaholic, a benefit friend with a guy who is incredibly busy raising his kids, getting through his divorce, and work, a guy who sends me fractured Shakespearean sonnets daily, and photography sessions with a local exhibitionist. 

If you are okay with me writing about our experiences (while protecting your identity of course), you should leave me a comment or email

Just a few tips about me...

My preferred beverages are mango lasses, chai milkshakes, and arnold palmers. My preferred movement is dance and Downtown Mall strolls. My preferred position is doggy. My preferred birth control is condoms. My preferred time to play is on a weekday.

I dislike cunnilingus, hiking, yoga, coffee shops, and making arbitrary lists about likes/dislikes for online strangers. :)

And, the kurious name of Kondescending Kunt kame from one of the men I made angry during my research.  It seemed so lofty and erotic at the same time, I just had to keep it.

If you would like to know more, please be specific and ask.

Veronica Haunani

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