My Amazing Followers

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Our Cock Fight (6/45)

I know I usually only reward folks who comply.  And, I asked for nothing rhyming, however he wrote the dirtiest, funniest limerick about my pink hair I have ever read!

Also, he suggested the most unusual sexual act I've ever encountered.

He wanted to cock fight me.

He had to play early this morning, because he worked two jobs and had to be at the first one at around 8.

I woke up this morning smiling, because he seemed like such a character.

So, after a quick meet up at Bodo's Bagels on Preston, we went to his apartment over in Eagles' Landing. He had one of those nice, little two bedroom ones and had not been assigned a new roommate yet.

I helped him duct tape aluminum foil on his living room's patio glass windows.

He helped me into a strap on with about a nine inch brown penis attached.

He then gave me a red, glow in the dark condom, and hardened himself and put on a green one.

He then turned off all lights.

And, he said, “The force is mighty with you.”

Then, he started making light saber noises and started hitting my strap on with his cock.

I started laughing uncontrollably, and he did too.

Eventually, I started hitting him back and making my own light saber noises.

We played for about fifteen minutes, then he came.

I found the whole thing silly, hilarious, quirky, and good exercise.

Thank you, R for being you.

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