My Amazing Followers

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Kondescending Kunt Unsolicited Online Dating Advice #4 "Show Don't Tell"

“Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.”  Anton Chekhov

Reading long lists about another's hobbies, characteristics, or likes/dislikes is boring and usually inaccurate.

Showing or sharing with people what you are into is much more interesting.

If most of your response is a list of your physical attributes, then just shut up and send a picture!

If you are a writer, send them a piece of your writing.

If you are a visual artist, send them some of your portfolio.

If you are musical, send them a sound clip of your latest jam.

If you are a marathoner, show them a photo of you running for your life or charity or what have you.

You get the point.

And, all of these things can be shared while still being discreet, because all of this information is probably available on your social networks or professional or amateur online portfolios.

Creative disclosure makes for a sense of intimacy and knowing someone...not just what they admit to but more about what they are capable of and how they see the world.

This type of connection makes the difference between someone rolling their eyes at another list of someone who likes movies, hiking, and oral sex and someone who is seriously considering rolling you.

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