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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Her Fantasy (May 14, 2016)

9:45 AM Posted In Charlottesville, Virginia Casual Encounters Woman 4 Man

The steady, monotonous sounds of another Charlottesville rainstorm provide a new rhythm for his growing restlessness, uncertainty, and dread.

He watches the rain through the bay window of his large luxury condo close to downtown, alone. 

Across the street, the downpour travels the incline of the cupcake bakery roof and pools in the slight valleys of the unoccupied handicap spaces of the deserted parking lot. 

Behind him, his furniture, his books, his instruments, his things do not fill the space, and the emptiness echoes and subtly frames him a small man. When he vaguely senses his design induced inferiority, he grits his teeth and entertains.

Publicly, he takes great pleasure in the borrowed peace of Hatha yoga, the improvised cacophony of modern jazz, and the slow savor of heavy, crystal glasses brimming with freshly made mojitos.

Privately, he takes great pleasure in me. 

When all of his guests have begun their slow, soggy stumble homeward, he takes me out of my box and lovingly places me on the floor amidst the sticky and solid party debris. I become the calm eye center of the chaos. I am his rose of Sharon.

It fascinates him that he owns me but cannot contain me. It fascinates him that my explicit obedience subverts and obliterates him. It fascinates him that his worship of me diminishes the anxiety mounting within his narcissism.

When I allow him to sample my darkness, he is purified and light. When he enters me, he encounters safe haven and the precise cut of my blade. When everything he is melts within me, he is mine. 

He is free.

He savors my intoxicating poison. He weeps remembering his first notice of sunsets and his later jaded, dismissal of her mango, red grapes, and watermelon shades. 

Overcome and writhing in ecstatic suffering, he collapses onto the trash on the floor by my side. 

Spent, satisfied, saturated.

He rests.

Awake now, he returns me to my box wiping away his tears. He gently places my box in the black corner of his sin closet.

He plays the later works of Art Pepper on his ipod and drifts from his pelvic tilts to his eye of the needle poses again promising to never leave the simplicity of his mat again.
The rain yields.

I included pictures of a thin, blonde, blue eyed, 22 year old.

Here were the responses... I've changed all the names.
4 spam. (They were generated by real men who send the same cut and paste messages to most ads)
1 very graphic email from a known, local sex offender.

Well that was an interesting ad on Craigslist, of course it's bright and sunny in downtown C'ville right now, looks nice out !!! 

Bobby A

nope. try again. :)

Bobby A
Hello lol

nope. try again. one more chance.

Bobby A
I love you and want to spend time with you, I know I just struck out but my I tell you on the outside your a beautiful woman.

I just wanted to tell you that I came across your post on Craigslist and thought it was an awesome story. Very passionate and beautiful and I feel as if I've heard it before. Where is it from? Did you make it up? Just wanted to tell you it was nice. Lol :)

Thank you. Just wrote it today. So, it's from the ether of messages forming a halo around my head. Bummed it does not come off as more original though.  :)

You seem like a beautiful soul and very intelligent. With such a gorgeous face I was amazed to get to the end of your story and find that you're But your story was very original as a whole. I'm sorry I came off as though it wasn't your original piece.. It would blow the minds of many as it didmine. I only felt It was familiar because of the intense vibes i got from it..the energy or something I suppose. haha. I don't know..but it was nice and I plan to check every so often in high hopes of seeing more of your writings. :)

I didn't realize at first that you had posted your story in a women seeking men section of Craigslist...I guess that would have given away that you're single lol I was only browsing around when I found your story. But anyway. I'm wondering how many other writings you've got. Would you share more? I'm sorry, I'm not hitting on you by any means..though your beautiful. Im just very interested in the way you write. I myself am far from a writer but I highly enjoy reading certain peoples journalings/story's/songs ect. You've grabbed my attention.

hey baby let's fuck and let me eat your pussy

Mike Y
I'm a 20 year old and 5ft 4 inch guy. would u be willing to chill out at my place I'm kind of a shy person. I have Netflix, videogames and if u want to hike there's also some woods.
P.S. if u want me to send you a picture of what I look like just ask

Well I must say I dig your style. You know jazz, and that's sexy as hell. Art Pepper has always been criminally underated. I can tell you're well read, and that's sexy too. I'm curious to know why you posted what you did? To work on your craft? To see who gets it? Multiple reasons? I'd love to hear some more about, tell you about myself, and maybe see a picture. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and hope to hear from you

how are you

Mark I
This cl ad is sexy and turned me on! I'm in CVille

Jon M
I enjoyed your ad, the story was amazing :) I hope you are real because I can send you a poem in the second response ;)

Really pretty woman, would u like sometime grab a drink

t s
Just when I think I have the poem figured out,.. I get lost in the tangled and somewhat vague description of what it is your characterizing. I do think its nice put together tho. just wish I knew what it was. I have an idea but if I’m wrong,.. Sheeshhh!!!!! lol

james c
Very poetic


james c
Well if your nnodoingt anything this evening id like to go on a date (his phone number) if you want a picture just ask

Brian C
Hey what u up to would you like to chill

Tommy T
To start off, just want to say Yur post was so erotic that it got me super aroused:).Dont know if yu would consider having some fun together but I got to try after reading that post I'm older, 44,Wh, 6ft1,190,fit,not ugly,:), not rude, crude, a gentleman that loves having erotic fun when it seems worth the chase,interested? Yur very beautiful and I'd love to show yu how a mature gent could take you to a level yu may have only dreamed of, Thanks


Dave H
Hello there. I loved your posting on Craigslist. Would you be interested in some hot wild passionate fun and excitement and if you would be interested in more we can get to really know each other. hope you have a great day and hope you enjoy my pix!!!!
(he included no pix)

Yes love to. Yes I can

Jay H
I am intrigued by the poetic nature of a Charlottesville afternoon. Primal sexuality, forbidden fruit, and saxophones... 

I can't help but think of Sweethaus and Rupert Holmes... fantasy or reality?


Junior B
Pussy that tight huh?

Hi Dear

Can we be friends initially, and I will help you in everything you need that you like

May 14, 6:58 PM Flagged For Deletion

Overall, I realized that men when confronted by an erotic, pretty, open woman on Charlottesville craigslist could not or would not generate an equally erotic, vulnerable response. Maybe, that was one of the pieces of the disconnect. Maybe, I could help?

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