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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Kondescending Kunt Unsolicited Online Dating Advice #5 "You Aren't What She Says She Wants"

If she has to stoop to conquer you, leave her alone.

Women usually only respond to personal ads that they feel they fit.  If she is too tall, old, fat, or some other disqualifier, she will not respond.

Men, on the other hand, are more interested in getting what they want instead of being what she says she wants.

I met a wonderful man who once told me he was as interested in listening to me as he was in talking to me.  I try to get into his pants often.

Listening to and heeding what a woman says she wants is very rare and sexy.

However, Charlottesville craigslist casual encounter responses show very little of this aphrodisiac.

Instead, a women's requests are ignored, ridiculed, impossible, or undeserved.

A lot of men suck up posters' time and flood their inboxes with couplings of a compliment with the reason they will not do or be what she asked.   Busy women who really want to meet men offline are not particularly interested in compliments from non-compliant, disrespectful, online strangers.

A lot of this poor behavior is probably because it is uncomfortable for a lot of men to realize they are not wanted by all women they want.

The entitlement behind feeling all you want should want you is not hot.

Feeling that all women regardless of how you treat them should be accessible to you is a mark of your patriarchal privileges which are also not hot.

So, get over it and get under an interesting, sexy, challenging woman who you aspire to deserve.

It will be as good for your character as it is for your penis.

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