My Amazing Followers

Sunday, June 26, 2016

A Conversation (3/45)

So, a friend of a friend found out about this project and wished to ask me a few questions about his online dating on

I told him I primarily used Charlottesville craigslist casual encounters, because I found that "dating" or "hookup" spaces that provided online chat capabilities turned into online social networks or online hang out spaces more than it produced offline experiences.  This is fine for people who are into chatting up strangers with compelling profiles but not the best for folks who want to hang out with someone within a week or less of connecting with them.

He agreed with this, because he had been primarily using it to chat with women of like minds for several months and had only been out on one date with one woman with whom he had been chatting for a long time.

He also asked if it was wrong of him to be on a dating site, when he was not interested in dating anyone.

I asked him if he only checked the seeking friends option, he told me he checked all of the possible relationships.

He also did not feel compelled to check out what the woman said she was seeking before approaching her for chat.

He felt that he was not wasting the woman's time who was looking for more than he was interested in, because he was such a good conversationalist.

Also, he wasn't sure that maybe next month he would want to date someone.  I pointed out that he could just click on more choices next month instead of misleading women this month.  He didn't really respond to this.

Overall, deceit and/or leading people on about what you want to get more respondents does not seem the best way to start a relationship even friendship.

But, the truth of the matter was the guy was handsome, single, athletic, young, smart, quirky, white, and seemed willing to talk to anyone, because ultimately he didn't want anything.  So, this access to someone with all of these popular things would probably really be a waste of time and energy for someone looking for more but the engagement would appear worth it to her.

I mean how often do you get to talk to the "beautiful" people online?

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