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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Kondescending Kunt Unsolicited Online Dating Advice #3 "Why 'Hi' Is Not Enough"

"Hi, hello, howdy, etc." work as an offline greeting, because it is accompanied by what you look like, what you are wearing, where you are, etc.  The nonverbal context allows the person enough knowledge to determine if they want to return the greeting.

However as an online message, "hi"is a really lacking, unoriginal one.

Craigslist requires more written content than just the word "hi" to accept the post, so you are always answering an ad with more than just an impersonal greeting.

Also, you are probably answering an ad that intrigued or interested you in some way.  Answering an interesting ad in an uninteresting way is a sure way to be ignored or annoy.

In addition, expressing your interest without letting someone know why you are interesting will most likely get you ignored too.  Women are looking for offline dates with interesting men not ego petting from online strangers.

Truthfully, you may not want to invest more than a "hi" or a quick comment about her ad.

If for some reason you don't want to work for this possible new relationship (formal or casual), then you should probably not answer ads hoping for one.

Furthermore, this low level of online male investment in things emotional and intimate mirrors the same low level of a great deal of men offline. Men who advise they work very hard for things that are important to them like their financial, education, recreational, political, and physical successes do not think working hard for personal relationship success is appropriate especially for men. Even men who are disgusted by people who they think want to get something for nothing try to develop relationships with little or no effort. And, women who require some sort of personalized, deep, honest attention are deemed high maintenance, bitchy, demanding, dismissive, full of herself, controlling, etc.

I suggest you overcome this popular, lazy, male inclination and show real investment in even the beginnings of your social interactions.

1 comment:

  1. I got what you mean , thanks for posting .Woh I am happy to find this website through google.
    Sugar Momma
