My Amazing Followers

Friday, July 1, 2016

Fire (10/45)

So, I am having my favorite lunch of lobster ravioli in pink lady sauce at Sal's, when I hear a deep voice behind me.

“Will you be my quirky queen today?”

I turn around, and a thick man with a nicely trimmed, salt and pepper, mustache and beard is beaming down at me.

“It depends on who wants to be king for a day.  How 'bout you sit down and chat with me?”

His smile gets bigger as he sits across from me.

“I've been reading your stuff for a week now.  I didn't answer, because I'm not really poetic or absurd or any thing like that.  But, I got to admit, you turn me on...Very hot.  And, when I saw you with the pink hair, I just knew you were the lady making me throb.  Is it okay that I talk like this?”

“So far...”

“I am in real estate. Luxury.  I think you are going to need my card soon.  I just think you are going to be a best seller or some sort of Sex And The City 2016 or something.  So, I was wondering if I could show you some properties, and you could maybe show me some things?”

We take a ride out to the county.  It was a really beautiful ride, perfect weather, large fields punctuated by grand houses.  We turned off the highway and visited this beautiful house on a hill.

He pushed me against the door and pushed his tongue into my mouth.

He, then, asked me to undress and pose for him in the fireplace.  I am not that much of a model, so I only did a few poses, before I asked him to join me.

The fireplace floor was uneven and roughed my hands and knees.

He filled the quiet property with a lot of dirty talk and growling.  He filled me.

C, I will definitely keep your card.

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